Women Search Engine

da | 21/10/2013 | Creatività

Gender inequality holds back the growth of individuals, the development of countries and the evolution of societies, to the disadvantage of both men and women” claims the State of World Population Report 2000. UN Women has created an advertising campaign that uses data collected from Google on the most popular search terms, to emphasize the wideness of global gender inequality in 2013. The adverts show the results of genuine searches, highlighting popular opinions across the world wide web that are still indicative of entrenched sexist attitudes.

La disuguaglianza di genere frena la crescita delle persone, lo sviluppo dei paesi e l’evoluzione della società, a svantaggio sia degli uomini che delle donne“, afferma lo State of World Population Report 2000. UN Women ha realizzato una campagna pubblicitaria che utilizza i dati raccolti da Google sui termini di ricerca più popolari, a sottolineare l’ampiezza della disuguaglianza globale di genere nel 2013. Le immagini mostrano i suggerimenti delle ricerche su Google, mettendo in evidenza le opinioni popolari in tutto il world wide web che sono ancora indicative di un radicato atteggiamento sessista.

Women Search Engine Campaign

Matteo Corrao is a management master student, DJ and electronic music producer. He loves travelling to discover different cultures and weird food. Other interests are graphic design and movies. Disruptive thinking is the core of everything he does, trying to give his personal mark in the different fields in which he works. After his last year of university in Mannheim (GER), he's going to move to Berlin, to begin his "adult" life.

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