A Tasty Papercraft BBQ

da | 24/07/2013 | Craft, Creatività

With the coming of summer it can’t be missed the BBQ with our friends. The two French designers Lucie Thomas and Thibault Zimmermann surprise us with prawns, chicken drum sticks, spare ribs, meats, bacon and all the other necessary foods used in a tasty BBQ formed into yummy paper sculptures. But don’t place them on the grill… they will burn to a crisp!

Con l’arrivo dell’estate non possono di certo mancare le grigliate con gli amici. I due designer francesi Lucie Thomas e Thibault Zimmermann ci sorprendono con gamberoni, cosce di pollo, costine, spiedini, bacon e tutto il necessario per una squisita grigliata sotto forma di sculture di carta. Attenzione però a non metterle sul fuoco… andrebbero in fumo!

Zim and Zou portfolio

Francesca travels the world capturing life at the moment, preserving that time forever. She moved to Bristol in 2010, where she studied and learnt the basics but it wasn't till a year later where her main education took place. It was in the street of Bristol and it's vibrant art scene. She quickly became part of this country which led her to learn more about photography and much more.

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