Even animals make history! The fat and lovely Queen Cat is starring at us with feline eyes, the dear Napoleon is thinking about the next battle, the sweet and mysterious Cleopatra looks enchanted by a snake, Elvis is singing his best song “Love me tender” and lots of other characters. Christina Hess has illustrated in the project ” Animals From History dogs and cats as historical characters! A funny idea for children and adults and a way to remember the events that have marked history!
Anche gli animali fanno la storia. La cicciottosa ma tenera Queen Cat ci guarda con sguardo felino e lunghi baffi, il caro Napoleone sta pensando alla prossima battaglia, la dolcissima e tenebrosa Cleopatra sembra incantata da una serpe, Elvis sta intonando la sua mitica “Love me tender“. Christina Hess ha illustrato nel progetto Animals From History cani e gatti come personaggi storici. Un’idea simpatica per bambini e adulti e un modo per ripercorrere gli eventi che hanno segnato la storia!
Christina Hess
Animals from history