
The Planet Cake

The Planet Cake

Rhiannon is an Australian zoology-graduate with a passion (and a  major talent!) for art and pastry-making, two interests she combines on her blog Cakecrumbs. Considering food as a "the common language that binds us all, a medium like any other" through which to...

At Granny’s House

At Granny’s House

Joël Penkman is a new zealander artist. After earning a degree in graphic design, he moved to UK, where he started working as a designer and painter. His biggest interests are food and painting, hence the idea of combining them choosing desserts, candies and ice...

Cake Graffiti

Cake Graffiti

Che Shelley Miller faccia street art è fuori discussione. La cosa curiosa è come. L’artista di Montreal “imbratta” i muri utilizzando glassa per torte, facendola così in barba ai benpensanti lamentosi dei graffiti che deturpano le strade. Ispirandosi all’arte della...

Cake Wonders

Che ci crediate o no, sono tutte torte. Quindi, se chiederete in regalo una borsa di Gucci, specificate che la volete in pelle! 🙂 It seems unbelievable bu they are all cakes. So if you will ask for a Gucci bag as present please specify in leather! 🙂 [Pìcame]