The Planet Cake

da | 21/08/2013 | Creatività, Food

Rhiannon is an Australian zoology-graduate with a passion (and a  major talent!) for art and pastry-making, two interests she combines on her blog Cakecrumbs. Considering food as a “the common language that binds us all, a medium like any other” through which to create original and innovative artworks, she affirms her aim is to push people reevaluate bakery as a downright form of art. After seeing her planet cakes, complete with inner layers accurately reproduced, we can’t help but agree!

Rhiannon è una zoologa australiana con la passione (e un grande talento!) per l’arte e la pasticceria, due interessi che unisce nel suo blog Cakecrumbs. Convinta che il cibo sia un “linguaggio universale”, un mezzo espressivo come un altro attraverso cui realizzare opere artistiche originali e innovative, afferma che il suo intento è di spingere le persone a rivalutare la pasticceria come forma d’arte vera e propria. Dopo aver visto i suoi pianeti in forma di torta, con tanto di strati interni accuratamente riprodotti, non possiamo che dire: missione riuscita!


Rhiannon’s blog

Freelance graphic designer, illustrator, painter and decorator with an insane passion for art and design. She started drawing at the age of 2, inspired by Disney comics and cartoons, and never stopped since then. She also loves summer, poetry, orchids, weird jewelry, foreign languages. colourful make up, fashion magazines, art books, astronomy, electronic music and everything connected with the '80s. Her collection of books and food-shaped stuff is constantly expanding.

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