illustrated cities

Hand Drawn Cities

Hand Drawn Cities

Reading a map has always been a disastrous mental challenge but thanks to the English artist Jenni Sparks it's become a ball. The illustrator has drawn the most glamourous cities in the world: London and New York. To find an old porcelain selling shop at the back of...


Blanca Gomez non smette di stupirci. Dopo "Illustrated Cities", altre poetiche e bellissime illustrazioni. Le trovate qui. Blanca Gomez never stop to amaze us. After "Illustrated Cities" here some new poetic and beatiful illustrations.


Se avete anche voi un debole per le metropoli, ma soprattutto per l'illustrazione, non perdetevi Bianca Gomez. If you have a weakness for the cities and above all for the illustration, don't miss bianca gomez. [Pìcame]