Comic Collages

da | 25/09/2013 | Arte, Creatività

American artist Mike Alcantara doesn’t use paint and brushes to create his unbelievable illustrations, but rather old comic cutouts, which he manages to give new life to by putting them near one another with masterful talent, composing intricate collages which have Superman and his buddies as a main theme once again.

L’artista statunitense Mike Alcantara non utilizza vernici e pennelli per creare le sue incredibili illustrazioni, ma ritagli di vecchi fumetti a cui riesce a dare nuova vita, accostandoli con incredibile maestria per comporre intricatissimi collage che hanno come tema proprio Superman e soci.

Mike Alcantara on Deviantart

Freelance graphic designer, illustrator, painter and decorator with an insane passion for art and design. She started drawing at the age of 2, inspired by Disney comics and cartoons, and never stopped since then. She also loves summer, poetry, orchids, weird jewelry, foreign languages. colourful make up, fashion magazines, art books, astronomy, electronic music and everything connected with the '80s. Her collection of books and food-shaped stuff is constantly expanding.

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