12 Shoes For 12 Lovers

da | 12/12/2013 | Senza categoria

Sebastian Errazuriz has designed a series of shoes carefully decorated, each regarding one of his past love stories. The project, called “12 Shoes For 12 Lovers”, features shoes hardly wearable, designed as a memory of the peculiarities of his ex lovers.

L’artista Sebastian Errazuriz ha progettato una serie di scarpe accuratamente rifinite, ciascuna riguardante una sua relazione passata. Il progetto chiamato “12 Shoes For 12 Lovers”, presenta scarpe difficili da indossare, disegnate per ricordare una caratteristica di ciascuna delle sue ex amanti.

“Jetsetter” Jessica

“Honey” Natasha

“Cry Baby” Alexandra

“Gold Digger” Alison

“Ice Queen” Sophie

“The Ghost” Valentina

“GI Jane” Barbara

“Hot Bitch” Caroline

“Heart Breaker” Laura

“The Boss” Rachel

“The Virgin” Anna

“The Rock” Alice

12 Shoes for 12 Lovers

Via Bored Panda

Matteo Corrao is a management master student, DJ and electronic music producer. He loves travelling to discover different cultures and weird food. Other interests are graphic design and movies. Disruptive thinking is the core of everything he does, trying to give his personal mark in the different fields in which he works. After his last year of university in Mannheim (GER), he's going to move to Berlin, to begin his "adult" life.

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