Cars and Movies

da | 16/07/2013 | Graphic Design

A series of prints that represents iconic vehicles of some great movies. The spanish graphic and web designer Jesús Prudencio has selected some unforgettable cars, like the Delorean from Back to the Future or the spectrum-proof Cadillac from Ghostbusters, depicting them with a clean and simple style on solid color backgrounds to keep the focus on these jewels, impossible desires of several generations of moviegoers.

Una serie di stampe che raffigurano veicoli chiave di alcuni grandi film. Il graphic e web designer spagnolo Jesús Prudencio ha selezionato alcune auto indimenticabili, come la Delorean di Ritorno al Futuro o la Cadillac a prova di spettro di Ghostbusters, riproponendole con uno stile pulito e semplice su sfondi tinta unita per mantenere il focus su questi gioielli, desideri impossibili di diverse generazioni di cinefili.


Via My Modern Met

Matteo Corrao is a management master student, DJ and electronic music producer. He loves travelling to discover different cultures and weird food. Other interests are graphic design and movies. Disruptive thinking is the core of everything he does, trying to give his personal mark in the different fields in which he works. After his last year of university in Mannheim (GER), he's going to move to Berlin, to begin his "adult" life.

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